For the woman ready to create nourishing food and lifestyle habits to last a lifetime …
without dieting, restrictive eating, willpower, perfection or overwhelm.
“I learned and practiced more in 6 months than I have in talk therapy on and off for the last 20 years.”
Imagine with me…
Regularly eating delicious satisfying meals that don’t take hours to cook or leave you raiding the pantry 30 minutes later.
Knowing what, when and how to eat to look and feel your best.
Having confidence and ease in cooking real food meals that support your health and vitality.
Having open space on your calendar for rest, play, movement, connection.
Saying good-bye to mid-day cravings and late night binges. No willpower needed. Ever.
Having a weekly meal plan that supports nourishment and ease for the rest of your week. No drama. No stress.
Having a 5 minute practice at your fingertips that minimizes your overwhelm, organizes your day, leaves room for your priorities and what you value.
Practicing the 5-step mindset practice to avoid the self-sabotaging eating cycles and negative behavioral patterns.
Breaking up with patterns that don’t serve you and creating a life of nourishment, connection, joy, intention.
Leaving a legacy of health and vitality for future generations to come.
Breaking free from unwanted eating cycles for good
The Nourished Woman Lifestyle Membership focus on four essential areas:
When you get your food foundation in place, it’s a domino effect into every area of your life.
Your blood sugar stabilizes therefore your mood stabilizes; your brain is more clear for thinking; you’re more calm; you have more energy; you sleep better; your mood improves. Everything is connected to your food foundation.
In The Nourished Woman Lifestyle, we focus on nutrient-density through real food. You’ll learn what, when and how to eat to look and feel your best without restrictive eating, counting calories or portions, or labeling food good or bad. I provide you with a guiding template through my signature 14-day Reset program and you tweak it to make it work for your unique body. You’ll also have access to weekly meal planning sessions with me until this becomes second nature to you and you can say “This is just what I do.”
As Sarah Young says, “As your thinking goes, so goes your entire being.” The work in practicing The Nourished Woman Lifestyle is 80% mindset, 20% skillset.
“I can’t do this.”
”I’ll never been able to.”
”I don’t know how.”
”I’m too busy.”
”I have no willpower.”
These are mindset inhibitors that keep you from thriving as The Nourished Woman.
In TNW Lifestyle, you’ll learn my 5-step process to assess and change your mind about anything.
What that means for you is you can break up with any decades-long patterns that keep you from living a life of freedom with food and body. You can let go of dieting, counting, weighing, restricting, as well as let go of living with overwhelm, drama, a negative mindset or the quest for perfection.
You’ll be invited to introduce simple soulful self-care practices that to bring more moments of joy, love, meaning and connection to your every day life.
Soak in the goodness all around you so that living your life isn’t just about food nourishment; it’s about nourishment of mind and body and heart and all parts of you that connect you to the whole of your life.
It’s also not a “One day, when” lifestyle. When I lose the weight. When life slows down. When the kids are out the house. When I find the time.” then, I’ll do this.
It’s now. It’s tending to the details of your everyday life just as you are now, just as your life is now, in order to create the life you desire.
We will focus on 12 main nourishing rhythms that are foundational for health and vitality; aiding in regulation of your nervous system important for whole body health.
Every month you have several touch points with me for support and accountability in my zoom virtual lounge.
Weekly Meal Planning Office Hour
Bi-weekly group coaching session
Monthly Q&A
Calls are recorded if you cannot attend live.
“Working with Jill has been one of the best investments of time and money I’ve ever spent.”
Hey there! I’m Jill Tanis.
Married to my second grade crush. Mom to 3 boys. Beach Lover. Tea Enthusiast. Farmer's Market regular. Novice Gardener. Kitchen Dancer. Terrible Singer. Master at weekly meal planning and teaching the strategy and soul of self care and falling in love with your life right where you are.
I’m a Life Coach for Women, with an expertise in nutrition, eating psychology and lifestyle medicine,
Over the past 20 years, I’ve helped more than 3000 women in my group and private programs create sustainable enjoyable food and lifestyle habits without dieting, counting, willpower, deprivation or shaming themselves into change. In other words, I help women rewrite their food and life story leading with love, grace, curiosity, gentleness, kindness, peace, freedom and nourishment. No strings attached.
But… it didn’t start out that way…when I was 20 years old, I spiraled into a life-threatening eating disorder. I am thrilled to share through my story that it IS possible to drop all dietary dogma, food obsession, food/body games, counting calories, overeating, emotional eating, exercising off what you eat and living with overwhelm >>> and be nourished, calm and free.
I can show you how.
MY OLD REALITY [in my 20’s]
X Wake up thinking about food
X Label food safe / good / bad
X Diet soda junkie, 4 liters/day
X Gas stations & drive-thru runs
X Social scene stress + worry
X Exercise off what I ate
X Late night binges
X Horrible sugar addiction / cravings
X Completely stressed about everything I was eating
X On the quest for doing things perfectly
X Overwhelmed by my schedule and my life
>> Wake up without food on my mind
>> Morning + evening rhythms that nourish me
>> Eat for nourishment without guilt, shame & should’s
>> Exercise because I love it, not to burn calories
>> Present and calm and relaxed in social settings
>> Zero worries about calories, portions, fat grams
>> Savoring food and life versus stuffing with food and to-do’s
>> Food has its rightful place and I live with freedom in my body
>> Curiosity + compassion instead of guilt + shame
>> Love + appreciation for my body & all she does for me
>> No longer overwhelmed
>> Use effective simple tools to manage my mind, schedule and life
>> Meaningful relationships, community + living with honesty.
>> Helping women lead with love, grace, gentleness, kindness and patience for themselves
>> Practice the collection of every day beauty
“I am happier, calmer, more relaxed and lighter in both body and spirit.”
I am here to meet you right where you are.
Together we take the next step forward in transforming your nourished lifestyle.
“I highly recommend working with Jill if you feel stuck; if you feel out of control; if you feel you need to confront something in order to change.”
Inside the membership, you will:
Learn what, when and how to eat to look and feel your best
Sustainable food and lifestyle habits that you look forward to, not ones you dread.
Remove the mental barriers that stand between you and the life you desire to create
Start fully living your life instead of reacting to it.
Discover how to take ownership of your choices rather than feeling victim to them.
End unwanted eating cycles and habits
Experience freedom with food and body
Learn to lead with curiosity, gentleness, kindness and patience.
Learn the 5-step mindset practice to move away from self-sabotaging behaviors.
Uncover the reasons you feel stuck and what to do next.
Overcome your overwhelm and create a simple system to organize your list, schedule & life.
Master weekly meal planning with ease and consistency.
Discover delicious, nourishing and satisfying recipes (and life!).
And this is just the start…
Some key features of the membership vault:
“The 14 day Reset is NOT about losing weight.
It’s about NOURISHMENT. Nourishing my soul with all the things that I wasn’t providing.
I wasn’t eating regular meals >>> the Reset fixed that.
I wasn’t taking the time to plan meals >>> the Reset fixed that.
I hardly ate breakfast or lunch >>> yes, the Reset fixed that.
But what I loved about the Reset is that it empowered me. I felt better. I looked better. I took care of myself in a way that I had forgotten how to do.
I lost 7 pounds doing the Reset. But it was truly NOT about the weight loss for was about the loss of my old habits. This Reset was a huge blessing!!”
In this membership, you have the option to be guided by the monthly focus or you can choose the course that most resonates with you to personalize this experience. It’s completely up to you.
In 2025, we are walking through The Nourished Woman course. Destination: Empowered Eating & Food Freedom. (details below)
How to handle emotional eating, mindless and late night eating, grazing, social eating, guilt, and allll the things that keep you bound to “rules” and “shoulds”.
Imagine breaking free.
We’ll kick off 2025 with the 14-day Winter Reset January 13 and your first class in becoming The Nourished Woman.
The membership user-ability is flexible and there is no rush. Stay as long as you need and make it work for you. And come to any of the 7 monthly group calls for support.
“Working with Jill was a life-changing experience”
What’s included in your annual membership:
Get support, coaching and accountability each month through our group coaching calls 2x/month. Calls are recorded and housed in the private membership space if you can’t join live. (Value $3,000)
Ask Jill anything you want during these monthly office hours. This is a great place to interact with other community members and get your questions answered. (Value $1,000)
Every Thursday from 12pm - 12:30pm ET, join Jill and TNWL members for a 30-minute weekly meal planning session. This is a get-in, get-out, get-it-done 30 minutes. Pair this with the Meal Plan Foundation mini-course using the weekly meal plan handout to create a simple, streamlined, consistent habit each week. (value $2,000)
Every month, as an added support and guided accountability to creating nourishing habits, you’ll receive a monthly wellness plan. One simple soulful practice each day for 30 days to guide you through your entire month. (Value $397)
Enjoy delicious simple recipes through the 14-day Reset Meal Plans as well as the Recipes section of the membership. Recipes are added each month and are gluten free, dairy free optional, refined sugar free, soy free. Meal plan ideas forthcoming in 2025!
A unique feature of this membership, 3-5 minute videos of helpful self-coaching questions, reflections and perspectives to deepen your experience from the inside out. New self-coaching tools dropped in the membership each month. (Value $697)
Destination: Empowered Eating & Food Freedom. Imagine ending the unwanted eating challenges that weigh you down and cycle you through decades of self-sabotaging habits and the eat > guilt > deprive/binge/workout pattern that you can’t seem to shake. This comprehensive course will broken down into monthly classes over each month in 2025. Details below. (Value $1,997)
This 5-module course will transform your mindset & help you create a simple skillset for your never-ending to-do list and running mind. Dial down your overwhelm from level 9 to level 2 in a matter of minutes. Re-design your time, your scattered brain and your running list with this signature process. “This course was life-changing.” Jess (Value $497)
For all the mamas. Helping offer ease, structure and mindset shifts from the picky eater to feeding your family healthy nourishing meals your kids will love without the drama and stress. Comes with 60+ bonus recipes. (Value $297)
Your cravings are not a problem. They are messengers. Learn their messages and your cravings change. Let them be your BFF instead of your nemesis. Once you learn the 4 causes of cravings, you’ll never need willpower again. Implement what you learn and watch your cravings subside in a matter of days. (Value $47)
Learn what, when and how to eat to look and feel your best in this one-hour masterclass. Learn the key tools to boost energy, burn fat, say goodbye to crazy cravings and hello to calmer days. This course is the food and lifestyle blueprint for the 14-day Resets. (Value $47)
In this one-hour course, learn the 3-step process to make meal planning & grocery shopping simple, doable and easy. Combine this 3-step process with the weekly meal planning sessions available to you in the membership for added accountability and support. (Value $97)
Seasonal 14-day Resets
Join the live program January 13! The beloved signature 14-day Reset equipped with a done-for-you seasonal meal plan designed to jumpstart weight loss without dieting, counting, measuring or portions. Focus on nutrient-dense real food recipes to boost energy, lower inflammation, calm cravings and reset your lifestyle habits. (Value $179)
The beloved signature 14-day Reset equipped with a done-for-you seasonal meal plan designed to jumpstart weight loss without dieting, counting, measuring or portions. Focus on nutrient-dense real food recipes to boost energy, lower inflammation, calm cravings and reset your lifestyle habits. (Value $179)
The beloved signature 14-day Reset equipped with a done-for-you seasonal meal plan designed to jumpstart weight loss without dieting, counting, measuring or portions. Focus on nutrient-dense real food recipes to boost energy, lower inflammation, calm cravings and reset your lifestyle habits. (Value $179)
The beloved signature 14-day Reset equipped with a done-for-you seasonal meal plan designed to jumpstart weight loss without dieting, counting, measuring or portions. Focus on nutrient-dense real food recipes to boost energy, lower inflammation, calm cravings and reset your lifestyle habits. (Value $179)
each Reset is offered LIVe once year and available as a self-study as a member
*Current value of course offerings when purchased separately is $11,000. Access all of this for only $997/year. Monthly payment plans available. HSA accepted!
Choose between two options.
Featured course - The Nourished Woman - starts January 2025
Feel light and calm in your food journey.
No matter how long it’s been or how many times you’ve tried…
Let’s write a new story. It’s possible.
“I learned and practiced more from this course in 6 months than I have in talk therapy on and off for the last 20 years.”
Are you ready to be free of…
measuring, counting, portion control, willpower
looping through the same eat >> guilt >> restrict cycle.
gaining & losing the same 15 pounds
using guilt and shame as motivators
overeating or emotionally eating
nagging cravings that can’t seem to shake
feeling confused by mixed messages about how to eat to look and feel your best
“falling off the wagon” or being “off track”
Let’s paint a new reality together…
Your relationship with food is finally light and calm and free.
You enter the social scene relaxed and at ease. No pressure or willpower.
No measuring, counting, or portioning your plate ever again.
No more spiraling into self-sabotaging eating cycles.
No guilt, shame, judgment needed to fuel your goals.
Food isn’t top of mind - get on with living the rest of your life.
You enjoy food - it’s not a battle. It’s pleasurable, easy, nourishing.
If you want your reality to look like this…
phase one:
> Primary + Secondary Food
> 3 Essential Pillars for Food Foundation
> Mindless vs Mindful Eating
> Addressing the Drama Queen
> Mindset Reset
phase two:
> Stress + Your Weight
> 4 Reasons for your Cravings
> Cravings Continuum
> Stress & Cravings Assessment
> Stress Remedy Kit
> 14-day Resets (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall)
phase three:
> Overeating / Binging
> Urges
> Emotional Eating
> Triggers
> Drive-Thru runs / Late night eating
phase four:
> The Nourished Woman’s Mind
> Upgrading Thoughts
>Pre-Deciding and Setting Standards
> Navigating the Social Scene
> The Nourished Woman Manifesto
You’re only one YES away from a new reality
“Working with Jill has been one of the best investments of time and money I’ve ever spent…”
She has become an important resource and trusted advisor to me. I love knowing that she’s got my back, she’s walking along side me through my journey, and she’s one of my biggest cheerleaders. Her insight is delivered with wisdom, grace, patience, love and lots of light. So very grateful for this woman!!" Holly C.
“Working with Jill was a life-changing experience…”
I used to have anxiety and stress around food and eating. It robbed me of joy and hurt my body; I felt alone and ashamed. But working with Jill changed that. She helped me identify lies and worked with me to create strategies and change habits. I learned to see food and my body in a different way and live a joy-filled, healthy life. I don’t feel stress about eating, weight, or exercise anymore. Occasionally I still have "old me" thoughts, but now I can address them and replace them with life giving truth.
Andrea B
The time to rewrite your story is NOW.
What better time is there?
For decades you’ve followed all the food “rules”….
…and I will gladly show you how to break them.
>> So you never have to go on a diet ever again.
>> Or count a single point.
>> Or portion out your plate.
>> Or exercise it off.
>> Or willpower your way past the break room.
>> Or pressure and sacrifice your way to your ideal weight.
>> Or loop through one more eat > guilt > restrict / exercise cycle.
Once you see this new paradigm, it’s hard to unsee it…
…and once you experience it, you'll never want to go back.
You can be free of all of this mind and food drama.
If you want to be.
You can let your past stories stay in your past. From this moment forward.
You can create a new path with food and body that is light, calm, free with a new mindset and new set of skills.
I will never look back and regret the time I spent investing in making this shift for myself. It has been forever life-changing and life-giving. And I’ve never had one client regret it either.
This entire framework (valued at $1997) is currently included in your annual membership.
But it won’t always be. Get it now.
I am happier, calmer, more relaxed and lighter in both body and spirit.
Before working with Jill, I felt as if life weighed me down, literally and figuratively. I was extremely overweight and was taking prescription medications for high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Working together with Jill, I am losing weight, discovering new ways of enjoying food without guilt and stress, finding the fun in regular physical activity, learning so much about the types of food that best support my body, learning to be more thoughtful and aware of the choices that I make for myself, and learning how to put myself first before taking on the rest of the world.
The biggest shift I have experienced since working together: I am happier, calmer, more relaxed and lighter in both body and spirit.
What I like most about Jill’s approach is that she takes the time to get to know you and she looks at the whole picture of your life in a non-judgmental way, guiding you gently through the tangles of everyday living. She is helping me to find the rhythm of my own body’s energy and hunger levels, instead of imposing a one-eating-plan-fits-all kind of mentality. Her approach is very caring and supportive.
Jill has an ability to make you feel as if you are the most important and interesting person at that moment in her time. She is one of those rare and wonderful people who always lift you up.
I am thrilled with the changes to my life that I have achieved with Jill’s support and guidance. This experience has been and continues to be a huge benefit to me in all facets of my life.” Susan
“I found freedom in my head!”
If I wasn't busy teaching, I was thinking about food. Like a magnet, it all entered my mouth. I had a daily spin-out in the kitchen. Open-close the fridge, Open-close the cupboards, Tell myself to stop. Lean on the counter, take the first bite and escape. Ahhh.
The story I was telling myself is that it wasn't emotional eating because I wasn't crying into a pint of Ben and Jerry's in front of the TV. The whirling, unproductive thoughts created anxiety and shame. I discovered that I was numbing out instead of tuning in.
What I’ve learned: I can give myself grace. I found freedom in my head! I replaced these patterns that weren't serving me with compassionate curiosity thanks to Jill's strategies and support. I've learned how cravings are aiming to serve me, how curiosity leaves room for growth, and how my intuition is a resource. I am so thankful I "get to" be me as I choose nourishment over judgment! Megan
““I highly recommend working with Jill if you feel stuck; if you feel out of control; if you feel you need to confront something in order to change…””
Before working with Jill I felt like I had no control. I spent all my time taking care of my family, my clients and my coworkers and no time taking care of myself. I was very good at playing the victim—of my own life–and I had put up a wall behind which I hid. I justified my poor eating and strange habits by telling myself, “I deserve it” and as long as I stayed behind that wall, I was convinced no one could see me. I was preoccupied by other people’s opinions of me. I based much of my self-confidence on my perception of what others were thinking. I used food to deal with my insecurities but I don’t think I realized it until after working with Jill. I always believed I had body image issues—which I did—but it was more than that.
After working together, I feel more in control. I have tools and options to deal with my insecurities and my emotions that don’t include food. I also feel more comfortable being vulnerable—so I can ask for help when I need it.
After working with Jill, I am more structured. I plan meals. I organize. I prioritize. I am more efficient. I stick to the schedule. I am more confident and satisfied. I have enough. I do enough. I am enough. The biggest shift I experienced since working together has been my outlook on life. I didn’t realize how negative I had become.I would highly recommend working with Jill if you feel stuck; if you feel out of control; if you feel you need to confront something in order to change. Carrie
“The page that brought tears to my eyes…”
“I went through all my notes last week and distilled them down. The page that brought tears to my eyes was dated 9 months ago. It was a chart of areas of my life that I value and wanted to improve. I wrote where I was at the time in each category and then added a nourished woman/future self imagining. I can honestly say in 6 of the 7 categories I am now in The Nourished Woman column. I cannot thank you enough!!!" Susan.