I have a question for you today…
What happens when you put yourself on the back burner?
Back burner ==> To establish something as being a low priority; to give something less or little thought or attention; to postpone, suspend, or hold off on doing something.
I was talking with a woman named Debbie earlier this week.
She said...
"I need to get back to healthy habits...
Back to eating healthy...
Focusing back on self care.
If I don't focus on that ==> I can go for a long time doing nothing for myself."
==> aka: back burner.
And so I asked her, "What are the consequences of this for you?"
Here's what Debbie said:
"My body starts feeling irritable...
I'm not coping with stress...
I feel like crap...
I'm exhausted...
and the more exhausted I am, the more frantic I become."
I'm wondering if you can relate to this?
I sure can.
When I put myself on the back burner...
When I...
Don't sleep enough
Don't eat well
Eat in a rush or skip meals
Don't drink enough water
Run around without margin
Say yes to things that I know deep down aren't a yes right now
Forget to take care of my core needs
...I get depleted, irritable, anxious, exhausted, overwhelmed, resentful, burned out...
==> and I shut down.
And when I'm depleted, it's hard for me to show up in my life for others.
So let me ask you, like I asked Debbie...
What are the consequences of putting yourself on the back burner?
What are the reasons you put yourself there?
When I surveyed women on this question, I got so many different answers but here are the main ones.
I don't have enough time.
It's selfish to take care of myself before others
Somebody always needs me.
It's too much work.
My family's needs are more important than my needs.
I'm too tired.
If this is you...please ask yourself this question:
When I put others needs and other responsibilities before my own and it leaves me feeling exhausted, depleted, crabby, and irritable...how is this a gift to the people I love?
Here's what I want to propose...while society might tell you it's selfish to put yourself on the front burner...might it actually be selfish not to?
Because how you feel physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually impacts everything and everyone around you, so I want to propose that it's really important you take care of yourself.
When something is important to you (kids, dog, work, friend), you find the time. You figure it out.
So maybe this isn't about not having enough time. But making yourself a priority like the other things that are important to you in your life.
Give yourself some time to journal on these questions:
1) What are the reasons I put myself on the back burner?
2) What are the consequences when I do this?
3) What have I put on the back burner that needs to become a priority?
If you're looking for support and change to put yourself on the front burner...
The Fall Reset and Overcoming Overwhelm are here to support you.
==> Are you using sugar, caffeine, alcohol to escape and cope with your filled-to-the-brim life? Are you running around without a nourishing meal plan in place only to find yourself grazing mindlessly, eating standing up or on-the-go, feeling bloated and sluggish?
Ease into Fall with a 14-day guided plan to get you back to healthy eating, calm your cravings and reset habits while learning to take the most amazing care of yourself. Make sure you’re on my mailing list & then look for registration link in your inbox on Wednesday, September 21 …email me here if you don’t receive it and want in.
"I come back to the Reset again and again because I know I will find the way back to my calm, balanced center, even in a season of chaos. I know I will find the support, structure and encouragement that I need to keep walking in health. I know that I will enjoy the meal plan and recipes which nourish my body and soul. Before this Reset, I was feeling overwhelmed by work and a busy schedule and I was not making better food choices. I was feeling stressed and helpless by illness in my family. During the Reset I regained my solid footing and yet at the same time felt lighter - my mood lifted, my weight dropped, I slept more deeply and I returned to the space I truly wish to occupy in my world. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Your support and guidance through the 14 days and beyond is stellar!" ~Susan
==> If you're tired of feeling like there's never enough time; feeling frustrated by your calendar bursting at the seams with no time to catch up; always putting self care at the bottom of the to-do list; irritable, scattered, burned out and just plain over it? Over-scheduled. Over-tired. Overwhelmed?
Overwhelm is a common denominator for many of us and it's wreaking havoc on our lives, our health, our work, our relationships, and our spirit. But it doesn't have to be that way. In Overcoming Overwhelm, you'll discover a new way to think about your overwhelm and stress. You'll develop a new relationship with time, your "list", your schedule with very simple tools and strategies, leaving you lighter and more calm. Early registration is October 11. We begin October 24.
"This course is a way to first gently give yourself an insight into how and why you've created stress and overwhelm for yourself...then to gently untangle a new/better way of living... and then uncover the tools to help you take it from a concept to actual real life living…it's like a 5-week slow, gentle exhale." ~Christi Collins