Our family had been dreaming of a dog for years.
Someday, we'd say.
And in December 2020, we started considering this as a real possibility.
For months, we hung on a waitlist. Still unsure but considering life with a dog for the next 10+ years.
And then we got the call. There's a pup for you, if you're ready.
"Am I ready?"
My mind started swirling.
The dog hair. The expenses. The added responsibility. The daily nurturing. Did I mention the dog hair?
Am I ready for this?
Is there a right time? Will there be a better time?
Sometimes there is a better time. But I've realized that sometimes it has nothing to do with the timing...
...it's just about making the decision about what you want and moving forward.
You know that feeling of wanting something... or knowing you need something?
Then when the opportunity comes to you, your brain tells you all the reasons it's not the right decision or the right timing?
Your thoughts swirl around and around creating decision making fatigue.
Should I do this? Should I not do this?
The flip-flopping is almost always more exhausting than the decision itself.
And sometimes while you're stuck trying to decide, the opportunity passes.
So what do you do to stop this cycle of indecision?
The question that helped my husband and I decide about the pup was this:
What's important about this for our family?
And more specifically, what's important about this for our family right now?
We listed the reasons why it was important for our family right now.
Looking at that list helped move us to a decision.
And here we are... now, we can't even imagine our lives without sweet Magnolia (aka Mags).
Why am I telling you this story?
This is something I see all the time with women who tell me they want to eat better, feel better, stop over drinking, stop overeating, reign in the sugar habits, take better care of themselves and their families, feel less overwhelmed and scattered and stressed.
And each time when the opportunity to commit to these life changes comes up, they always get stuck in the swirling of all the reasons they can't decide to commit right now.
Here's what you need to know...
There will always be a reason to say no and not yet.
There will always be a reason to have doubt.
There will always be a reason to have fear that you might make the wrong decision.
Have you ever experienced Decision Making Fatigue?
It can be very frustrating... and that frustration just makes it worse... and so on.
When you are fortunate enough to have extra time on your side, and you're intentional about it, you're able to start making your "why this is important to me" list ahead of time so when the time rolls around to decide, you're ready and able to commit.
So, in that light...
I wanted to share with you ahead of time that there are opportunities coming this fall.
Opportunities to eat better, feel better, reset your consumption of coffee, sugar, alcohol and late night snacking, take better care of your yourself and your family, and feel less overwhelmed, scattered and stressed.
Here they are:
#1) 14-Day Fall Reset begins October 3, 2022.
==> Registration will be open from September 21 - September 28.
#2) Overcoming Overwhelm begins October 24, 2022 ...preparing you for the holidays!
==> Early Bird Bonus Enrollment October 11 - 13.
Even knowing this in advance...
You can expect that life is still going to hand you some reasons why it isn't the right time...
So, here are the questions you can ask yourself for your list...
What's important about doing the Reset right now?
What's important about having a done-for-me structured nourishing meal plan?
What's important about resetting my sleep habits?
What's important about resetting my consumption of sugar, coffee, alcohol?
What's important about having more energy and not falling asleep on the couch every night?
What's important about me re-establishing healthy meals for my family?
What's important about me modeling a healthy relationship with food?
What's important about finding support for this right now?
What's important about overcoming my overwhelm this fall?
What's important about organizing my crazy scattered brain using a simple 5 minute process?
What are the consequences when I put myself on the back burner and I do not take care of myself?
Even after answering those questions, you may still have the question...
But how will I know now is the right time?
And here's what I can tell you about that...
When you decide it's important right now... THEN now will be the right time.
=> Here's my recommendation for you...
Take out a piece of paper or your journal and answer the questions above.
What are the consequences if I don't address these right now?
How will I feel in 2 months if I don't address these?
What are the benefits if I do address these right now?
How will I feel in 2 month if I did?
Lean into your answers. The truth… YOUR truth is within you… you just need to connect with it.
Does all of this have your brain swirling? If you've wanted support around these very issues but your brain offers you hesitation, I totally get it. I'd love to offer you space to talk it through. Whether it's the Reset, Overcoming Overwhelm or working together privately, click HERE to schedule a 30-minute complimentary session with me this month.