Something unexpected happened last month.
I found a lump in my breast.
With a family history of breast cancer, I look at this much differently than I used to.
I went in for some testing and the initial scan results read "65-85% probably for malignancy within 5 years."
That took my breath away for a few days.
I witnessed all sorts of emotional states.
Reflective. Scared. Worried. Peaceful. Calm. Patient.
All normal emotions.
I needed further testing - which I did earlier this week.
My second test came back clear and I find myself grateful for God's kindness, mercy, and answered prayer.
But I wanted to share this with you as I reflect on something bigger that came up for me during this process.
Maybe it's because I just turned 46 and I'm finding myself having a bit of a mid-life moment. :)
This is what I'm reflecting on this week...
Through unexpected moments and challenging seasons of my life ...
... my health challenges >> eating disorder at age 20, depression in my 20's and 30's, postpartum depression, Lyme Disease, Mold toxicity, joint pain and fatigue....
... a miscarriage ...
... a son born 2 months early and the stress of his subsequent health issues ...
... various stressors with jobs, friendships, finances, parenting >> too many to name...
... all the daily interruptions and unexpected situations that arise...
I cannot imagine where I'd be without ...
>> the daily decisions I've made to take care of myself - mind, body, and heart
My physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health - my well-being - does not go on the back burner.
It simply cannot afford to.
... I move my body regularly.
... I fuel myself with real food, high quality nutrients often.
... I get to bed on time.
... I take naps when I'm wiped out.
... I manage my emotional life.
... I support my mental well-being.
... I carve time out for meaningful conversations and relationships.
... I spend time in regular prayer, journaling, and scripture to ground and guide me.
... I play and laugh and do not take things in my life so seriously.
... I find ways to lighten up.
... I get outside and be in nature.
... I hug my kids and husband daily.
I do these things (imperfectly, I might add, but intentionally) so that ...
1) I can show up well for everyone else in my life.
2) Whenever unexpected moments arise like this one, I am as grounded and healthy and resilient as I can be - mind, body and heart - to be with whatever comes my way.
Because life is a bunch of things that come together... and they fall apart.
They come together again, and they fall apart again.
And the world will tug and pull at us to say...
This is important and this is important and you need to worry about this and this and this...
And at some point, you've got to pause, put your hand on your heart and say..
This is important too.
So let me ask you...
How are you supporting your mind, body, and heart?
What basic needs are not being met right now?
What is asking for your attention?
I recently shared a 4-part series on cravings.
Cravings are a call for our attention.
They're messengers from our brilliant mind, body, heart, and spirit asking us to pay attention.
And to keep with the cravings theme of this week, I'm inviting you to pay attention to your mind, body, and heart.
To ensure your basic needs are being met... needs like:
Nourishing, Real Food.
Meaningful connection.
Meaningful spiritual practice.
Support for your mental and emotional well-being.
Getting outside.
Hugging your people.
Laughing and playing.
Being in nature. (Hugging a tree!)
What are the daily habits that you must start paying attention to - that must become non-negotiable to support your mind, body, and heart?
... So you can show up well for everyone else in your life.
... So you are ready for whatever comes your way.
... So that your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health + well-being does not live on the back burner.
That’s my weekend wish for you.