Have you ever considered the relationship between… Consuming vs. Creating?
And how that relates to your overeating and mindless eating? Your overwhelm?
To consume -> to take in; to devour; to use up (time, energy, money).
In other words, taking something from the outside and bringing it inside.
To create -> to come into being; to evolve from one's own thought or imagination.
In other words, starting from the inside and bringing it out into the world.
I've cut back on my social media recently, and I've been noticing just how much I'd been consuming it.
Consuming information. Articles. Data. Research.
Consuming other people's voices and opinions and ideas. Podcasts and interviews.
Consuming memes, videos, and mindless things.
There's nothing inherently bad about learning and taking in information.
But I realized how much "space" it was taking up.
And also how I was using it.
There wasn't any clear intention behind it.
It's all quite automatic. Subconscious. Reactive.
And so noisy.
Before I know it, I'm on my phone.
A quick scroll. A dopamine hit. A click here. A click there.
Something to fill the space in between.
Any available space.
5 minutes. An hour. An evening.
And I'm noticing how this is affecting my creativity.
And how I fill space.
>>> In other words, what is filling the space and ultimately creating the life I'm living.
When my level of consumption is too high, I notice my level of creativity is far less.
And therefore, my space for things I say I care about is far less.
Space for...
...my own ideas and thoughts
...using my own imagination
...deeper connection with my boys and my husband
...cultivating friendship
...becoming the kind of parent I want to be.
I can consume a bunch of books on how to be a great parent.
But ultimately, I need to create the space and moments that allow me to practice being the parent I wish to be.
...Creating order in my home. Piles. Lists. Unfinished projects.
...Creating new classes and value for you and my community.
And it's not just information and material things that we consume...i.e. Netflix and shows and clothes and stuff.
What I notice in my clients, is that for them, it's also food.
Snacks. Grazing all day.
Coming home and going straight to the pantry. The fridge. The bottle.
Hand to mouth. Outside to inside. Consuming.
Food of any and every kind.
>>> Filling the space in between.
And stuffing it inside.
Here are some questions I'm asking myself and I thought I'd invite you into the conversation too...
What is your ratio of consuming and creating this week?
Is what you're consuming adding value to your life?
Or is it just filling a space in between.
Food, phone, or otherwise.
If you stopped consuming as much as you are, what would you discover?
What would be left?
What would you like to do with that space?
Take some time to sit with those questions and see what comes up for you.
p.s. Are you experiencing Back Burner Burnout?
Back Burner: Of low priority. Giving less or little attention.
Are you basic needs and care for self sitting on the back burner? Whether it's because your level of consumption for other things is higher or you've been conditioned to put your needs on the back burner for the good of others.
What are the consequences of you not taking good care of yourself?
Queue: overeating, emotional eating, mindless eating, exhaustion, checked out, and more.
If you find yourself constantly on the back burner AND desire to change this for yourself, I can help you.
What life do you want to create for yourself? I assure you it doesn't include putting yourself on the back burner.