When you think about your weight journey, emotional eating, dieting, body frustrations...
...do you connect it to the food you're eating?
Women naturally do.
What's right to eat. What's wrong to eat.
What's good. What's bad.
Calories in, calories out.
Portion size.
Connecting food choices to how they feel about themselves.
I ate well. I've been good. I feel good about myself.
I ate food that's bad for me. I've been bad. I feel bad about myself.
If this is you, this is my gentle PSA to tell you...
==> This will never get you to freedom with food and body.
Because it isn't primarily about food.
Emotional eating is not about the food.
Dieting is not about eating the right food.
Habit snacking and mindless eating aren't about the food.
Your struggles with food are NOT primarily about the food.
And still, we use food to solve for it all.
All to "fix" ourselves.
Trying to make changes from the outside...
The thing is...
Your eating resolution starts on the inside.
It starts with your inner world.
How you feel about yourself.
How you treat yourself.
How you speak to yourself, after you've eaten whatever you've eaten.
How you care for yourself, on hard and easy days.
Giving yourself permission to be ok with not having it all together.
Permission to be imperfect.
Permission to be flawed.
To make mistakes.
To live a messy life.
To be honest. To be vulnerable. To be human.
And when you work on your inner world, you will make profound shifts in your metabolic world.
Without having to "force feed" yourself to get "there."
So please stop fighting with yourself.
Stop fighting against yourself, your weight, what's on your plate, what's right and what's wrong.
Because your weight. Your emotional eating. Your habit snacking. Your dieting...
...it isn't primarily about food.
And you can't keep making changes solely with food (or anything else that's on the outside) to try to get where you want to be on the inside.
So let me ask you...
If your struggle with food isn't really about food, what's it really about? Ponder that...