I just want to relax and enjoy time to myself.
I just want to take myself to the beach for a couple hours.
I just want to get to bed early with a good book.
I just want 30 minutes of quiet time before the kids get up.
I just want to linger at the table to relax and enjoy time with my family.
Does any of that sound familiar?
If so... do you ever actually do these things?
If you're like many women I speak with, you may want these things but... they don't happen.
In a previous class, I surveyed women and asked them why they don't take time to rest and relax or do the things they want to do.
Here are some of their answers:
I feel guilty when slowing down or taking a break.
I feel like I need to be doing something productive.
I feel like my self-worth is connected to what I accomplish/can do/have done.
I have a constant drive to keep moving as fast as possible.
I feel guilty using my free time to relax so instead I try to be useful....
...but I just make myself needlessly busy and frustrated.
Maybe with this being the Memorial Holiday weekend, it gives you "permission" to slow down.
But then what about all the other days?
When you try to relax on days not specifically designated for relaxing, do you feel like you're:
>> wasting time
>> not productive
>> selfish
>> falling behind
>> avoiding a guilt trip by staying busy?
So how do you shift this dynamic of telling yourself you want one thing and then doing something that's quite the opposite of what you said you wanted?
You say you want margin...
...but you fill any and every space with more lists and to-do's.
You say you want more sleep...
...but you stay up late to fold one more load, watch one more show, add one more thing.
Here's the thing:
Stillness. Quiet. Alone time. Play.
Society might label these as unproductive.
I completely disagree.
Personally speaking, I need downtime to clear my mind, seek wisdom and discernment, make space for listening, recharge my batteries, etc.
Without it, I will get overwhelmed, crabby, irritable, resentful, and exhausted.
Do you find this too?
Truth is...
You are always in the process of producing something.
The question you want to ask yourself is...
Do I like what I'm producing?
If your need for productivity, task lists, and always-on-the-go living leaves you depleted, exhausted, resentful, and overwhelmed...
Are you truly being productive?
I know for me, when I feel all those things, I'm actually less productive.
But with some alone time and space to relax built into my weeks...
>> I am healthier.
>> My brain is more clear.
>> I have more patience with my kids.
>> I'm more connected and engaged with them and my husband.
>> I am calmer.
>> I'm not fizzled out.
I like what alone time and space to relax is producing for me, my family, and my life.
The reality is...
You're always producing something.
So I ask you...
Is it productive to connect with your family?
Is it productive to reset your nervous system and reduce your stress level?
Is it productive to get more sleep?
Is it productive to sit down and be nourished by a meal?
Consider what is most important for you to "produce" this weekend and in the week ahead.
That’s my weekend wish for you