It's that time of year where families are crawling past the school year finish line.
My family is no exception.
My kids are ready to be done.
Their minds are on summer.
So is mine.
Their bedtime is later.
They're ready to sleep in.
The care / desire to finish homework is dwindling.
They're a bit lackadaisical, if you will.
The bedtime routine is non existent.
It's even still somewhat light out after 9:30pm these days.
I love that they're out shooting hoops or playing ball tag with the neighbor.
And I have zero care if they're sitting in front of the t.v. vegging out the past few weeks.
April and May tend to slowly turn into a free-for-all here.
And I'm totally fine with it.
We're getting by just fine with ample time as a family. But structure is unraveling.
This weekend, we had a few projects that needed to be done.
And yesterday, I found myself lackadaisical too.
Lackadaisical: lacking spirit or zest, without interest, vigor or determination.
Have you been feel this way lately?
Here's one thing I notice about myself when I feel this way... or when it's going on around me.
==> I'm totally okay that I feel this way...
==> I must lean into my bare-minimum, non-negotiables for my physical wellbeing.
These are the non-negotiables that never change just because I have a case of "I don't feel like it".
So while structure around me fades, there are 4 things that are non-negotiables for me to maintain essential structure.
For me personally, the four things are:
Meal Planning - It's my #1 non-negotiable. I meal plan once a week for the entire week ahead with the goal to fuel myself with nutrient dense, low glycemic breakfasts and dinners, lunches are continually a work in progress and I'm ok with that.
Exercise - I don't have a specific exercise routine, but it is consistent. At the start of each week, I'll give myself something to aim for in the week ahead. For the month of June, it's a daily 45 minute movement - a bike ride or a walk with the dog + a stair climb 3x a week.
Sleep - Even in the summer and especially during the work week, I get in bed around 10pm and I aim for 8 hours of sleep. But with a son who has a later curfew on the weekends, I build in an afternoon nap on the weekends if I need them... and I most often do!
Hydration - Making sure I'm drinking enough water and hydrating with minerals (i.e. adding a pinch of sea salt or electrolytes) with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. I don't measure my water intake but I aim for 4 large glasses every day.
Even though life moves us through seasons that sometimes have more structure and sometimes have less.
Through seasons of busier weeks.
Through months where we "don't feel like doing anything"... your non-negotiables.
What are the habits that are essential for your physical well being no matter what?
And that’s my weekend wish for you…